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Surge Protection Devices UK

Lightning and Surge Protection Solutions

Surge Protection Devices and Lightning Protection are even more critical in today's electrical world than they were 55 years ago, when we at PD Devices (Power Development) started our journey manufacturing surge elements, which lead to our high quality Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) surge arrester today.

Having specialised in the art of making this key surge product, our company has continued to grow and improve our portfolio of SPDs.

We now have the ability to protect your home, business, school, hospital and the electrical, electronic systems and equipment inside those buildings from the effects of energy surges, whether it would be as a result of atmospheric conditions, switching conditions or faults.

As the ONLY UK Manufacturer and Supplier of this transient suppressing element and one of a very few in Europe, we can also offer a bespoke design service “For All Your Surge Solutions”.

55 years in Business

Our business has been running for more than 55 years, through the years of Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology and into the Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV) years. We have been manufacturing and providing Surge Arresters to our customers globally for years and have created bespoke devices for many of their own specifications.

As the manufacturer of this crucial surge arrester element, our product range has and still is continuously expanding across numerous markets including;

Building and Construction,  Rail and Tram TransportData Networks and TelecomsRenewable EnergyElectrical Power GenerationElectrical Power DistributionHome and Office

As a leader in the design and manufacturing of SPD's we believe we have the solutions to protect your electronics against damage from lightning and transient over-voltages for any specific application.

Contact PD Devices Ltd

PD Devices Ltd
Unit 1, Old Station Yard
South Brent
Devon, TQ10 9AL
United Kingdom
VAT Registration: 782 1267 25
Company Registration: 4253515

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Lighting and Surge Protection Devices, Solutions and UK Manufacturers

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