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Data Centre Protection

data centre
We provide surge & lightning protection for many markets from Buildings & Construction, M.O.D, Rail & Trams, Telecoms and the I.T sector of course. Our products have saved many companies from the loss of valuable downtime, expensive equipment and their brand reputations.
With so many of us using PCs, whether at home or in the workplace, saving so much information on social media and private storage clouds, the data centres dependence is increasing. Trying to provide a reliable service is now vital to ensuring businesses and homes run smoothly.

Data centres unplanned outage, results in upset customers, broken equipment, damage to the company reputation and revenue loss. A recent study showed that every minute of downtime is a loss of over £4000, so approximately £250,000 is lost per hour.

In 2009 some customers of Amazon’s EC2 cloud computing service were offline for more than four hours after a lightning storm caused damage to a single Power Distribution Unit (PDU).
Though in 2011 a lightning strike hit Fibernet’s data centre in Utah but the company’s contingency measures successfully protected its data and any subsequent downtime.

Do you have a contingency?

Does the building have lightning protection and surge protection measures in place to protect the building and critical IT equipment from electricity spikes caused by lightning?
Even if there is a lightning strike in the immediate vicinity the risk is very high without protection. Do not believe for a minute that the PDU’s that feed power into the data suites are all you need!
At PD Devices we are here to help you with “ALL YOUR SURGE SOLUTIONS” contact us for any information or help you may require. We are the manufacturer of these products, so we can offer bespoke designs for your requirements.

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Lighting and Surge Protection Devices, Solutions and UK Manufacturer