PiDelta Test Services is a BS EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited division of PD Devices Ltd and is qualified to provide a range of Electrical, Mechanical and Environmental tests across a variety of business sectors.
Our current scope includes the following:
Electrical testing (typical applications - Surge Protection Devices)
Long term stability under continuous operating voltage - Clause 8.4 of BS EN 60099-4:2014, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters without Gaps for AC Systems
Class I Operating duty - BS EN 61643-11:2012+A11:2018 Clause
Class I additional duty - BS EN 61643-11:2012+A11:2018 Clause
High Current (4/10Us) - Clause 8.7 of BS EN 60099-4:2014, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters without Gaps for AC Systems
Charge Transfer (rectangular wave) - Clause 8.5 of BS EN 60099-4:2014, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters without Gaps for AC Systems
Reference Voltage (100V to 3.3kV, 1mA to 10mA) - By application of known DC currents and measurement of the resulting voltages
Energy withstand (peak current 1000A) - Applied rectangular pulses over the range 2 ms to 3 ms
Contact resistance - BS EN 62561-1:2017 clause 6.4.a
Resistivity - BS EN IEC 62561-2:2018 Clauses and
Physical/Mechanical testing (typical applications - Lightning Protection System LPS components)
Loosening torque - BS EN 62561-1:2017 clause 6.4.c
Coating thickness - BS EN IEC 62561-2:2018 Clauses &
Static mechanical - BS EN 62561-1:2017 clause 6.5.2
Environmental testing (typical applications - Lightning Protection System LPS components)
Salt Mist Spray : BS EN IEC 62561 Parts 1, 2 and 4 (for LPS components) – referencing the generic standards BS EN IEC 60068-2-11:2021 ‘Test Ka Salt Mist Cyclic’ and BS EN IEC 60068-2-52:2018 ‘Test Kb Salt Mist Cyclic’.
Humid Sulphurous Atmosphere : BS EN IEC 62561 Parts 1, 2 and 4 – referencing the generic standard BS EN ISO6988:1995 ‘Metallic and other non-organic coatings – Sulphur Dioxide test with general condensation of moisture.’
Bespoke test procedures may be developed and implemented, where possible, with client consultation.