Equipotential Bonding SPD (TEC/350/100 )

- Rated DC Sparkover @100V/s 350V
- Impulse Sparkover @ 1000Vμs ,900V
- Impulse Discharge Current 10/350μs 10kA
- Impulse Discharge Current 8/20μs 100kA
- Impulse Life 500A, 10/1000 μs, >400 Operations
TEC/350/100 - designed for the equipotential bonding of earthing systems that cannot be directly connected under normal conditions. During normal operation the device is effectively open circuit, maintaining isolation between the two earth systems. During fault conditions that generate a large enough potential between the two earth systems, the device switches to a short circuit condition, connecting the two for the duration of the fault before automatically re-setting to an open circuit state.